Adding or Editing Pricing on Calculators


You may need to add or edit prices of a new or existing Calculator. These are the steps to complete.

User Permissions

You will need to be an Admin to add or change Pricing.


  1. There are two ways to edit pricing:
  2. On the Home screen, click the hamburger menu on the Calculator you want to add or edit pricing, then click Modify Pricing.
  3. On the Modify Calculator screen, click the Pricing button in the top left of the Calculator.
  1. Drag the customization to the top bar to begin pricing. Depending on the Cost Type attached to the Customization, will determine how the pricing is applied (IE. single/multi-select will be per item, dimensional will be based on the sq. ft./sq. / in.).
  1. Add the price per Item as needed.
  2. Click Save for Later or Publish.

Ray Alner

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